March Brown Bugcycle

May 2024 • Trout West


BH March Brown Nymph





An oldie but a goodie, the march brown nymph is perfect for imitating the march brown mayfly, commonly seen in the early spring. The pattern has the thicker brown body and multi-tail feature of a true March mayfly. The pattern sports a lead wrap shank, a fox squirrel body, turkey biot wing case, tippet ribbed body and multi pheasant tail ending for a lifelike appearance. For best results, try fishing this fly under an indicator as a secondary fly above a heavy bottom bouncing tungsten pattern.

Dry Fly

March Brown Parachute Dun





The parachute aspect of the march dun helps you keep track of the fly on every drift. The circular dry fly hackle resembles the wings of a march brown sitting on the surface after a fresh casing hatch and it also doubles as an effective crippled spinner fly In essence, the beauty of this fly is that it mimics both a fresh dun or a dying adult. Therefore, this fly can be used at the very beginning or end of a hatch.


March Brown Emerger





This emerger is perfect at imitating a mayfly sitting in the film waiting to leave its shuck. The pattern has a natural reddish tan to it, which mimics the staple color of a March brown. When fish aren't committing to a dry, the march emerger is the premier option for changing the tide and getting fish to commit. For best results, fish this fly in slower-moving back water eddies, trout are much more adept at eating emergers in slow water than they are fast moving water.


March Brown Nymph





The bead-headed march brown features a distinct pheasant tail accent on the end to mimic the classic tail of a march brown. Additionally, the body is composed of red thread and dubbing which adds an attraction not seen by most march nymph patterns. The final touch to this fly is the distinct wing above the bead which resembles the thick head of a march brown. The versatility in this pattern lies within its ability to be fished under an indicator or as the main fly in a euro nymphing rig. Try using this fly when natural patterns fail to do the trick, the flashiness of this fly makes a difference when fish are finicky.

Dry Fly

March Brown Spent




Olive / Brown

Dry Fly

Western March Brown




Brown / Tan

You guessed it, the Western March brown has a distinct brown color. These small flies blanket the water leading to epic spring fishing. In the adult stage, this fly has a thin body and large wings. The fly itself sports a distinct cream colored body with an exasperated chunky hackle wing. This large wing resembles the large wings of the adult march mayfly. For best results carry some extra flotant to keep the fly on the surface.