How to Find Your Confidence Fly Patterns

When you ask most fishing guides about their fly collection, they will typically mention their fly box full of confidence patterns. These are essentially their “Greatest Hits” collection, a small collection of go-to patterns that they know fish will eat. Inside are years’ worth of fishing knowledge and time on the water. Every angler should have their box of confidence flies, for me its a Tacky box with a mix of dry flies, nymphs and streamers that I know will work, I only carry 3 or so of each fly to keep things minimal and I know that as long as I have that box of flies, I can catch fish.

Ever hear “Fish your flies with confidence!”?

It’s true! It’s not just having the right fly choice, but also having confidence in its fish catching abilities. Every guide I have ever fished with has told me to “Fish your flies with confidence!” Basically, all they mean by this is fish those flies with purpose, put them where you know they’re supposed to go and have faith that you have the right pattern on. The benefit of optimism while fly fishing, at least from what we can see does seem to have some effect on how your fishing day goes. You have to be always looking for the next holding water, the next fly, and perhaps that next cast will be the one you hook your fish.

Having Go-To Flies Maximizes Your Time on the Water

Having a confidence fly box just simplifies everything from gearing up for a fishing day to fly choice on the water. You’ll save time because you know as long as you have that box of flies with you, you have a solid shot at landing fish. Our confidence flies are always ready for whatever fishing time we can get!

You Will Always Have Your Flies Ready

If you’re like us, you probably always have a fly rod ready in your car, and likely it already has some flies tied on to the end of your tippet. You can take that prep work a step farther and have premade double nymph or dry-dropper rigs tied up with your confidence patterns and you’re ready to go. These rigging foam blocks make keeping pre-tied rigs on hand easy and they keep them from tangling up.

How to Select Your Confidence Flies

Go fishing and pay attention to what flies work, maybe it’s a certain hot-spot color or fly profile, but find the common themes between your fish catching flies and start building from there. Once you notice a pattern or find yourself sticking to certain flies, those are probably yours. Also, pay attention to what fly patterns others are fishing and don’t be afraid to ask questions. Some anglers may keep their patterns to themselves, but more than often you will find that people will gladly share what flies catch them the most fish, because hey, what angler doesn’t like to brag, right?!

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