This Year, Plan an Adventure That You'll Remember Forever

Destination fly angling is all the rage right now and it has been for decades before social media ever became a thing. It probably fills your timeline, nothing but people hoisting beautiful, big and exotic fish out of the water surrounded by breathtaking backdrops. Now, this may seem like something only attainable by someone with a bottomless bank account and a job that doesn't require you to be in a physical space. But, we're here to tell you why you need to make 2019 the year that you go on a fly fishing adventure that you will remember for the rest of your life!

A fly fishing adventure doesn't have to happen on the other side of the planet or break the bank, you can make it happen anywhere there are fish and water (Did you know that SouthWest and Spirit both fly to countless tropical flats fishing destinations for cheap?) You just have to choose which types of fish and water you want to throw your line for. Make your pick and start figuring out the fun part of the adventure. Who's coming? What're we drinking? Where're we fishing?

I personally endeavor to take a trip that is more than a 4-hour travel time one-way at least once every 3 months. I use the trips as a way to destress and to explore a new fishery or region. It doesn’t matter if it's just a fishing spot on the other side of the state, or a trip down to the islands, each time I fish new water, I learn something new. Sometimes it's a new fishing strategy other times I learn something about myself. Being out there forces you to be in the moment, stay present and appreciate everything that got you to that moment.

Use this trip as a chance to push your boundaries and get out of your comfort zone. Travel a bit for this one, a few hours in a car or a plane trip is all you need to leave the worries of work and home life behind and to focus on the fish, or simply relaxing. Escaping from stress is something everyone should practice, I'm not saying everyone should avoid all stress all the time, however getting away from the typical day-to-day routine will grant you perspective and allow you time to think and reflect. For maximum stoke value, add a few fishing buddies and you got a good old fashioned road trip in the works. Having buddies along is also a great way to cut down on the overall cost of the trip and to ensure that you won't get too bored on the trip. Bonus points if you bring along a friend who is a half-decent photographer to make sure all the memories last. Bringing friends along is the best way to ensure that this trip is one for the record books, everybody needs some help getting up in the morning and the best thing for that is an overeager friend ready to hit the water.

Big fishing trips hold some of the fondest memories for all anglers. The memories of missed fish, trophies and good times shared amongst friends will stay with you forever, and hell at least you’ll have enough fishing pictures at the end of the trip to keep your Instagram timeline full for the rest of the year!

Photos courtesy of Dan Zazworsky.

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