On the Swing
Swinging some soft hackles over a large riffle.
When fishing soft hackle or emerger flies you can cover a lot of water by swinging them. Now you won't be making glorious Spey cast or anything, but you will be using the same strategy. when I swing these patterns I like to use multiple flies (Learn how to do that, here), to cover more water and get a few different patterns in the mix. Typically I tie the heaviest fly to my tipper and tie the lightest pattern to the heavier one. Many anglers will tell you that you should put your cast 45 degrees downstream of you, but I prefer to cast 90 degrees to the current to allow my patterns a few seconds to sink in the current before they begin their swing. All you have to do at that point is, keep your line tight and wait for the familiar strike of a hungry trout!
In a Nymph Rig
Tight lining some emergers in pocket water.
When fishing pocket water, I prefer to use the tight line method because it allows me to present my flies in the specific pockets that I want without having to get too close to my quarry. When I add a soft hackle or emerger to my nymphing set up, I typically tie it to my leader as the upper fly in the rig, so it will drift in the upper part of the water column. I'll often switch to this strategy if I see trout swirling in eddies feeding, typically when this is happening they are feeding on emergers.