As the summer gets into full swing, it's important to think more seriously about how we handle our fish in the heat. Hot water can be very stressful on its own to any fish, the lower oxygen content can make it very difficult for them to recover fully after a fight with an angler. So here are our 5 Tips for Handling Trout This Summer:
Pay Close Attention to the Water Temperature
If the water is over 67 degrees Fahrenheit, go chase warm water or take the day off, with these temps any trout will be highly stressed out and likely to die due to exhaustion after a fight with an angler.
Keep 'Em Wet
This is a great practice regardless of the season if you handle the fish while he has water flowing through his gills, not only will he be calmer and easier to hold, he will also have a better chance of surviving.
Fish Barbless
Fishing a barbless hook will make it much simpler to remove the hook from a fish's mouth (and your skin), reducing the time handling the fish as well as get you back fishing quicker!
Use a Rubber Net
Rubber nets have become more and more common in the fishing scene as they don't foul up your flies. But they also are gentler on a trout and won't remove any of the fish's protective slime layers.
Revive Trout in Faster Moving Water
When reviving trout, move to the moving
water in the creek, there will be more oxygen in the water and help them to recover quicker than in slower, warmer water. It's important to wait until the fish is 100% ready to swim off healthy, some fish may try to swim off but not make it, spend the time to make sure they swim back strong!
Want more trout tips? Read more below: