So This Is What It's Like To Build Your Own Fly Shop
We're excited. Remember when you were a kid, that feeling of setting out some snacks, setting out the two best video games you owned and waiting for your friends to show up? It's kind of like that.
Postfly HQ is currently being transformed into a fly shop. *Pause for dramatic effect.* That's right friends, we're about to open the doors for the first time very soon, and we couldn't be more excited to show off our space and hang out with fly anglers right in our backyard. In the meantime, we still have a lot of work to do.
If you want to be old school and pick up some flies in person this is where you can do it from now on, starting June 1st. Maybe. That's the goal at least. We have most of the furniture ready, the fly tying bench is close to being finished and the giant fly bin is almost filled to the brim. There's still a lot to be done, but we're hopeful it'll happen in time.
Of course we'll update everyone once we know for sure that the shop is ready to open, on Facebook, email, and any other way we can think of, (sign-flipper wearing a giant trout costume anyone?), but in the mean time enjoy this sneak peak.
Once the kinks are worked out we'll host a big grand opening party, complete with free gear giveaways, some killer food, and of course ice cold beer. That will happen this summer, we're just not sure the exact date yet, so standby for now. If you're around this June and want to stop by, feel free to walk in.
If you're not close by and want to stop by our new fly shop, make it a road trip! There's some really great striper fishing just around the corner from the fly shop that we can point you to, and we'll even make sure you have the right flies to catch fish once you get there. Tight lines friends, this is going to be fun.
Speaking of which...
Want to work in the new fly shop? Reach out to Greg Hansen today!
Want to hang out with the Postfly crew but live too far away? Join the Tribe now and we'll send you flies and gear every month, plus some good vibes.