5 Secrets To Sticking Bigger Trout Right Now

Summer can be a tough month to catch fish, no matter what species you’re after. When the water starts to get too warm the fish become uncomfortable, which also means they're likely not in a biting mood–especially trout. Fooling these coldwater species when the water is at its warmest and the flows are at their lowest takes the right attitude and the right fly to combine into the perfect presentation. Next time you hit the water use these tips from Postfly’s team of ambassadors and start hooking up. Toss A Dropper Rig “I've been killing it on a dry and a dropper rig lately. A nice high floating dry like a stimulator or a royal wulff serves as the indicator and that has a trailer of an 18-24" leader, followed by a small nymph like a copper john. I do this when fish are rising kind of sporadically, because there is a decent chance they will take my dry, but why not double the chances by throwing on a nymph too!” –Robby Dudley, New Hampshire It’s Pumpkin Season “Recently I have had some stillwater success chucking size 14 pumpkin heads with my Scientific Anglers Sonar Titan Intermediate/Sinking line with about five feet of six-pound tippet. I’ll retrieve that with a moderately-fast strip. The great thing about the pumpkin head is that it’s very versatile. It originated as a damsel imitation, but is a great all around attractor pattern for fishing when there is no specific hatch, or you are trying a new unfamiliar lake and you’re not sure what to try.” –Chantel Deneumoustier, British Columbia
Use An Attractor Pattern A pumpkin head is a versatile pattern for fishing when there's no specific hatch or you're in a new fishery.
Switch To Stealth Mode "I've been fishing a lot for native brookies this year, high up in the Smoky Mountains, and all summer long I'm throwing an Elk Hair Caddis or Yellow Sally. If I'm throwing a dropper rig with those dries, I'll use a super simple inchworm pattern, but in the mountains I'm getting hit more on the dries no matter what time of the day im fishing. I dont know about other places but TN water levels have been crazy low, so stealth has been key. Super sneaky approach and wearing clothes that blend in. I've been using a 5x, seven 1/2-foot leader on these trips." –Jonny Barbuto, Tennessee Try Something Crazy “One of my favorite tactics is to think outside the box (or inside the box if you’re a Postfly subscriber). Everyone has their favorite set of flies they throw every time, but trying something new can sometimes be the change you need to catch the monster. Grab a fly you wouldn't normally throw and give it a whip. You never know till you try. Fly tying has come along way from years past. With all the synthetic and rubber materials used today people are creating some sick flies like hex wigglers, hell-raiser hellgrammites, hydro-psycho caddis larvae, and crawfish patterns. Big streamers are also becoming the wave of the future. Giant meaty flies like the sex dungeon, stacked blonde, and the prostitute are changing the fly fishing game. I love throwing new stuff just to see what will smack it." –Rob Zuidervaart, Missouri
Stick Big Trout With Something Crazy You never know what trout might be looking for, so don't be afraid to throw something that you wouldn't think would work–it just might.
Stop and Think During these warm months, fish are reluctant to feed and will use as little energy as possible to do so. Fishing in the early morning, evening or night are your best bet due to cooler temperatures and less intense sun exposure. Night fishing has the potential to yield larger trout as hatches are typically more intense during these times. Take the time to stop and think about where you think the fish will be. Try not to jump in the water right away but to take some time to assess your surroundings. When you’re ready to get into the water, try to create very little waves since in slow or shallow waters the fish will get spooked easily. During warmer months, using a fly that will attract these reluctant fish is key. Using flies that have extra life will ensure catching the attention of these fish. A good choice for this is rubber legs. Focus your fishing on deep or moving water where fish will try to keep cover from the warm summer heat. Aim for the back of undercut banks or topped trees. Hot spots for catching trout can also be found under man-made structures such as bridges. The number one tip though is to get in the water, chuck those flies and enjoy the outdoors! –Ray LaRochelle, Postfly Ambassador, Canada Not a Postfly subscriber? Our Tribe Members have exclusive access to our shop and get first dibs on our limited run products like our Signature Tyer series as soon as they become available. Join the Tribe now.
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